Jumat, 10 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ My Tooth Ith Loothe by George Ulrich

My Tooth Ith Loothe by George Ulrich

My Tooth Ith Loothe

My Tooth Ith Loothe by George Ulrich PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Funny Poems to Read Instead of Doing Your Homework!

Need a monster excuse for school? What if you had three heads and fifteen eyes? What's that they're serving in the cafeteria today? Not gopher guts again! Want a tip for dining out? Never stick your fingers in the food!

George Ulrich takes a fast and funny look at the tough breaks and secret thrills kids face every day in this zany collection of poems. Here's a helpful hint -- they're even funnier when you read them out loud with your friends!

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