Bipolar Spectrum Disorders: A Clinician's Resource by David Longo PhD
Bipolar Spectrum Disorders: A Clinician's Resource by David Longo PhD PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Bipolar spectrum disorders prevalence have been increasing in the USA over that last several decades. It is estimated that almost nine percent of Americans suffer from depression at any point in time and up to 25% will experience a depressive episode once in their lifetime. Although less frequent than depression, bipolar spectrum disorders have profoundly negative implications for patients, including disability rates approaching 56%. Suicide incidence for major depression is 3.4%, whereas these rates approach 15% for patients with bipolar disorders. Due to the high lethality of bipolar spectrum disorders, it is important for health care providers and mental health professionals to remain current in the assessment and treatment of these disorders. This is book contains a synopsis of the genetic, biological, and psychological theories pertaining to bipolar spectrum disorders. An update of diagnostic considerations, assessment instruments and evidence-based treatment techniques commonly employed in diagnosing, assessing and treating bipolar spectrum disorder patients is provided. Co-morbid psychological (anxiety states, substance abuse, & personality disorders) and chronic medical conditions that complicate the treatment of bipolar spectrum disorders is explored. The most recent literature is presented throughout the book concerning the appropriate data-based applications, outcomes, and limitations of these assessment and treatment procedures.From reader reviews:
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