Senin, 29 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Journey to the Unseen World by Ayatullah Najafi Quchani, Yasin Publications

Journey to the Unseen World by Ayatullah Najafi Quchani, Yasin Publications

Journey to the Unseen World

Journey to the Unseen World by Ayatullah Najafi Quchani, Yasin Publications PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Man instinctively desires to have an understanding of the life Hereafter, i.e. the life after death and the state of the Barzakh (the interval between death and resurrection), which we all have to face. Knowledge of "Barzakh" is required because Barzakh is completely different from this world. So man wishes to know how his present lifestyle and his activities here will affect his life in the Barzakh. Certain questions rise in his mind, like: what sort of people will he encounter there? What kind of beings live there? Do eating, drinking, sleeping, waking friendship, enmity etc, exist there, and if so in what form? What is the span of time between death and resurrection (Barzakh) and what will his activities be in this period? What do happiness and wretchedness in Barzakh entail? Principally, does a spirit need a body after death or does it become permanently free and independent of the body and becomes engaged in an infinite journey towards an unknown destination? Whether the spirits will be granted bodies and if so, will these bear any resemblance to our present bodies? And whether the spirits are able to communicate with the people living on earth or do communication and contact stop forever? This book attempts to answer these and other similar questions. The late author has attempted to take his reader on a tour of the Barzakh and the land of the spirits. For some time he takes man away from the base and material, away from the noise and hustle of the world, and into the very lap of the spiritual and angelic state, that is, the life in the Barzakh.

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