Anger and Rage Addiction & the Self-Pact: New Lights on an Old Nemesis by Stephen Rich Merriman
Anger and Rage Addiction & the Self-Pact: New Lights on an Old Nemesis by Stephen Rich Merriman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Anger and Rage Addiction & the Self-Pact: New Lights on an Old Nemesis presents a close look at the dynamics of anger and rage, as viewed through the lens of Addiction Theory-drawing on discriminating, diagnostic criteria derived directly from the world of alcoholism and drug addiction. The insights and, more importantly, the ramifications for treatment of Anger and Rage Addiction that result, are profound. They depart decisively from hackneyed, and insufficient, "mitigation, modification and management" strategies that have long been in vogue as the standard approach for treatment of anger and rage "disorders." Moving beyond such rationally based interventions, a new approach, called the Self-Pact, draws completely on the Addiction model to establish its foundation and efficacy. The Self-Pact is presented in detail. The Self-Pact holds considerable promise in both curtailing the mayhem that untreated Anger and Rage Addiction looses on the outer world, and emboldening those afflicted with Anger and Rage Addiction to embark on their own odyssey, replete with discoveries, adventures, reconciliation with self and others, and personal encounters with "whole" states of being.From reader reviews:
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