Transforming Medical Education for the 21st Century: Megatrends, Priorities and Change by George R. Lueddeke
Transforming Medical Education for the 21st Century: Megatrends, Priorities and Change by George R. Lueddeke PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Drawing on key international reports and input from leading healthcare practitioners and educators worldwide, this ground-breaking book closely examines the real issues facing medicine and medical education. With a wide-ranging, evidence-based approach, the author identifies key drivers of change in both the developing and developed world.
He examines national and international medical education priorities, suggests practical educational development and change management strategies to translate reforms into reality, and reviews the role of the medical profession as part of the wider healthcare community. This highly detailed, full-colour text offers thought-provoking reading for all healthcare educators and professionals.
Healthcare managers and policy makers will find invaluable the practical, specific guidance for change. Healthcare students too, will find the accessible advice for personal direction and development both eye-opening and inspirational.
With commentaries by experts who participated as members of The Lancet Commission on Education of 'Health Professionals for a New Century: Transforming Education to Strengthen Health Systems in an Interdependent World' Lord Nigel Crisp, House of Lords, London, United Kingdom Professor Patricia J. Garcia, Dean, School of Public Health and Administration, Cayetano Heredia University, Lima, Peru Professor Afaf I. Meleis, Margaret Bond Simon Dean of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, United States and an epilogue on 'Leadership in Medicine and Healthcare for the 21st century' by Dr Ruth Collins-Nakai, former president of the Canadian Medical Association and chair of the Canadian Medical Foundation, Ontario, Canada
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