Sabtu, 18 April 2015

PDF⋙ The Race Within: Passion, Courage, and Sacrifice at the Ultraman Triathlon by Jim Gourley

The Race Within: Passion, Courage, and Sacrifice at the Ultraman Triathlon by Jim Gourley

The Race Within: Passion, Courage, and Sacrifice at the Ultraman Triathlon

The Race Within: Passion, Courage, and Sacrifice at the Ultraman Triathlon by Jim Gourley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Ultraman Triathlon, one of the most remarkable endurance races in the world, is a three-day, 320-mile race that circumnavigates the Big Island of Hawaii. With only 40 competitors allowed in each year, this invitation-only event hosts some of the most superlative athletes on the planet. The Race Within discusses the 30-year history of the sport and race director Jane Bockus, former Pan Am flight attendant who has never done a triathlon, yet has dedicated herself to keeping the event true to its founding spirit for decades. This book follows Jane, her assistants, and a small cast of athletes through an entire year—from the end of the 2012 Ultraman to the 2013 event—and shows how they faced new challenges to the growth and well-being of the event, and were forced to question if old traditions could survive in a world of constantly-evolving sports entertainment. Granted full access to the race and the athletes, author Jim Gourley presents a look at this unique event and examines what it means to truly love sports.

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