A Sparrow's Flight: The Memoirs of Lord Hailsham of st Marylebone by Quintin Hogg Hailsham of st Marylebone
A Sparrow's Flight: The Memoirs of Lord Hailsham of st Marylebone by Quintin Hogg Hailsham of st Marylebone PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Lord Hailsham is best known for his long service as Lord Chancellor. In his memoir, he reflects on the nature of that office and on what he achieved during his tenure of it. He also discusses his parallel career at the Bar and his activities in both Houses of Parliament. His memory of events and emotions has not diminished with the passage of time. The formation of his mind by his classical and legal training, of his character by his wartime experiences in the Army, and of his spiritual beliefs in part through the three bereavements he has suffered, are presented to the reader with kindness, humour and honesty.From reader reviews:
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