Rabu, 10 September 2014

PDF⋙ Evolution of Anti-HIV Drug Resistance - Interpretation and Its Therapeutic Progress (Intervirology)

Evolution of Anti-HIV Drug Resistance - Interpretation and Its Therapeutic Progress (Intervirology)

Evolution of Anti-HIV Drug Resistance - Interpretation and Its Therapeutic Progress (Intervirology)

Evolution of Anti-HIV Drug Resistance - Interpretation and Its Therapeutic Progress (Intervirology) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Special Topic Issue: Intervirology 2012, Vol. 55, No. 2 Despite recent advances in antiretroviral therapy treating HIV drug resistance remains a challenge. With the growing number of anti-HIV drugs and the enormous variant space accessible by viral evolution, manual selection of effective anti-HIV therapies has become complex. This publication represents a recent update on the determination of antiretroviral drug resistance determination, its computer program-assisted interpretation and beneficial effect on the treatment of HIV-1- and HIV-2-infected patients. Starting with the description of the human immunodeficiency viruses and their mutation frequency it goes on to discuss methods of resistance determination and bioinformatic-guided algorithm of interpretation, the fate of patients in large cohorts benefitting from improved therapeutic interventions and limitations in individual patients and HIV-2 infection. Furthermore Pyro 454 sequencing and interpretation of single amino acids in the context of all involved mutations in antiretroviral drug resistance are described and R5 and X4 differentiation by nucleic acid sequencing and susceptibility of HIV to a maraviroc treatment regimen are specified. This special issue of Intervirology will be of benefit to medical doctors involved in the treatment of HIV-infected patients as well as to pharmacologists, bioinformaticians and laboratory personnel working in the field of drug resistance analysis, drug design and antivirals. Furthermore it is a valuable resource for researchers involved in the confection of new drugs and interactions of old drugs as well as in assays of antiviral drug resistance.

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