Agape (AH-GAH-PEY): Chapter Two ~ The Inner Circle (Agape Series) (Volume 2) by Darryl L Montague
Agape (AH-GAH-PEY): Chapter Two ~ The Inner Circle (Agape Series) (Volume 2) by Darryl L Montague PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
AGAPE: Chapter Two- The Inner Circle is the sequel to The Triangle. This is a heart-gripping story of forgiveness. The decisions of each character is a wonderful platform for the reader to look into his/her life and ask, “To what extent would I choose to forgive someone that has caused me pain?” When Robert is unconscious and in the hospital, he reminisce of his past, and in his moment of enlightenment, he decides on how to pursue Tiffany and Serena. When he learns that Tiffany didn’t just abandon the relationship but tried to protect him from hurt, Robert’s love for Tiffany resurfaces. Faced with Lucky and Terrance returning into her life, Serena is thrown into a whirlpool of decisions. Not only is she heartbroken that her relationship may end with Robert, but she has to decide whether to run because Terrance has returned to Philadelphia, or stay and fight for the new life she has created. Twenty-two years have passed, and Janet talks with her daughters for the first time. She is faced with explaining to them the truth for abandoning them or to continue the secret that kept her estranged from her family. Harry comes to terms with his mistakes, and wonders if Robert will ever view their friendship the same. He feels that he is the blame for Robert getting shot. AGAPE: Chapter Two - The Inner Circle strips to the core of human emotions and it challenges the concept of real compassion and understanding.From reader reviews:
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