Senin, 03 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ SPARX Incarnation: Mark of the Green Dragon (SPARX Series 1) (Volume 1) by K. B. Sprague

SPARX Incarnation: Mark of the Green Dragon (SPARX Series 1) (Volume 1) by K. B. Sprague

SPARX Incarnation: Mark of the Green Dragon (SPARX Series 1) (Volume 1)

SPARX Incarnation: Mark of the Green Dragon (SPARX Series 1) (Volume 1) by K. B. Sprague PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Mark of the Green Dragon is the first of the two-part epic fantasy SPARX Incarnation, an unexpected journey of self discovery. Tormented by his former life, an incarnated beast recounts the pivotal moments of his youth, both tragic and heroic, that ultimately led to his transformed state. What starts out as an innocent treasure-hunting excursion with friends turns into a life-changing adventure when Nud Leatherleaf uncovers a mysterious bog artifact – a gateway to a greater consciousness. As its elusive powers emerge, Nud begins to unravel the mystery behind a series of vicious attacks in his community. But in doing so, a disturbing connection to his haunting past is revealed. From humble beginnings, SPARX - Incarnation delves into a world of legend and lore like no other tale, rich in possibilities and high adventure.

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