Linguistic Determinism: Ars Gratia Lingua by Edmund Dalpe
Linguistic Determinism: Ars Gratia Lingua by Edmund Dalpe PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Conceptual artist, Edmund Dalpe, holds that language is a complex form of the First Language (Art), which becomes apparent when we want to use language but can not. Whenever we are at a loss for words, we find ourselves at the kernel of language –metaphor. Dreams, language and art, are all metaphorical because they are akin.
Dalpe, establishes a linguistic beachhead, to the First Language, when art was the spirit of language. His translation of the Rhinoceros in the Shaft at Lascaux and in the cave at Chauvet are examples of the First Language. Dalpe proves that the Rhinoceros in both caves were painted in context to the Milky-Way, metaphorically establishing the theory of an inexorable force driving the universe. This Aurignacien Big Rhinoceros Theory, the oldest theory ever recorded, also allows us to establish that the First Language and the natural mind was/is capable of theory-formation. Almost ten thousands years later, the same culture underwent a revolutionary transformation in human thinking and awareness. The most likely reason is that humans being were being put to the test during the coldest period of the Ice-Age. Whatever the reason, during the Solutreen period, a major shift in awareness and thinking occurred. During this inhospitable time, The Big Rhinoceros Theory evolved into the Great Bison Theory. Essentially, it was the same theory with the addition of the most revolutionary advancement of the human mind; we introduced for the first time in all of human prehistory, the notion of an idea in and of itself. This began the seminal shift from implicit to explicit thinking.
Dalpe holds that each augmentation of language's complexity is backwards compatible. Therefore, the ancient Solutreen and Aurignacien languages remain part of the Latin language today; in a similar way that the four base chemicals of life (ATGC) have remained the same, while only the sequences evolve. For example, the Latin letter-form C visually mimics the constellation of Cassiopeia that evolved from the head and mane of a much older prehistoric constellation, Northern Horse. 22,000 YBP, the Northern Horse held the polestar for more than seven millenniums when language was first blossoming. Thus, the Latin letter-form C still retains its metaphorical meaning of movement with a sense of direction, intentionality or purpose, as in the Latin words; ca, carnal, canterinus, and cide.
The reason for our inability to recognize this transformation is because linguistic complexities have resulted in symbols; respectively, symbolic thinking. As the meaning of a symbol can not exist without convention and agreement, and as we do not dream or imagine according to an agreement, our natural mind can not be symbolic. Symbolic thinking conceals the First Language by the transformation of human mental processes from somatic to systematic. During human maturation, the adolescent mind is only trained to think symbolically (due to linguistic complexities). Thus, their natural creative mind remains immature. Moreover, as creative thinking affords us the ability to think independently, consequently, we are transformed from immaturity to social dependency. By the time we mature to adulthood, our ability to access our natural mind and creative potential becomes as allusive to us as interpreting our dreams --the two minds are mutually exclusive. Without the conscious skills necessary to directly utilize our natural creative mind, a schizophrenic personality develops in the individual mind and the social fabric.
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